Country |
Visa Reqd? |
Visa Cost |
Where to Get |
Insurance |
Where to Get |
Road Tax |
Fuel Cost £/l |
Exchange Rate |
Notes |
Money |
Highlights |
South Africa
No |
Couldn't buy (but don't really need as included in fuel cost,
apparently) |
None |
0.43 |
11ZAR/£ |
Never stopped by police, good roads, can use visa to pay for
fuel. |
ATMs take maestro/visa everywhere |
 | Cape Town |
 | Storms River Mouth |
 | Hiking in Drakensberg |
Yes |
121 Rand |
On border |
$15 |
On border |
None |
0.43 |
38000Mtl/£ |
Rarely stopped by police just for chat, very nice. Not asked
for documents. Cash for fuel only. |
Some ATMs take visa (no maestro). |
 | Beach Camp on edge of coconut plantations |
 | Early morning dips in Ocean |
Yes |
$50 |
At Maputo takes 2 days (may be able to get at border) |
Not bought |
On main borders |
$5 - $25 |
0.46 |
2000TSh/£ |
Road tax cost depends on border. Tourists generally not
stopped by police (make sure your number plate is clean!). Cash for fuel
only. |
ATMs take visa. Some Barclays accept maestro. |
 | Reaching top of Kilimanjaro |
 | Serengeti |
 | Wandering round Stone Town, Zanzibar |
Yes |
$50 |
On border |
Not bought |
On main borders |
$40 |
0.57 |
100KSh/£ |
Don't have to buy road tax on every border. Not stopped by
police. Can use visa for fuel in big towns |
ATMs take visa. Some Barclays accept maestro. |
 | Cycling in Hell's Gate N.P |
 | Swimming at Tiwi Beach, Mombassa |
Uganda |
Yes |
$50 |
On border |
$20 |
On border |
37000USh |
0.75 |
2000USh/£ |
Have to pay road tax in shillings and must buy insurance to
get tax. Change money beforehand if you can to avoid bad exchange rates on
border crossing. Only stopped by police once. |
ATMs take visa. Some Barclays accept maestro. |
 | Boat trip up river in Murchison Falls N.P. |
 | Camping next to rapids on Nile, Jinja |
 | Mountains in the West |
No |
$20 |
On border |
0.47 |
205Kw/£ |
Police check insurance every time (large fine if you don't
have it!) and check lights/indicators work. Lots of police blocks on all
main roads. Cash for fuel only. |
ATMs take visa. Some Barclays accept maestro. |
 | Canoeing on Lake Malawi |
 | Scenery from Livingstonia |
Yes |
$60 |
On border |
$35 |
On border |
0.50 |
9100ZMK/£ |
Insurance lasts for 3 months. Make sure you have reflective
strips on front & back of car. Regular police blocks on main roads, check
lights/tape/seatbelts etc. will fine if any problems. Cash for fuel only. |
ATMs take visa. Some banks accept maestro. |
 | South Luangwa N.P. (and drive back to Petauke!) |
 | Victoria Falls |
No |
75 pula |
0.35 |
Namibian insurance covers Botswana |
Drove through too quickly! |
No |
940N$ (for a year, can get refund when you leave) |
Not on border, we found through Welwetschia |
110N$ |
0.36 |
11N$/£ |
Cross Border Charge needs to be bought at border, will be
checked. Could only buy insurance for a year, then cancel and refund before
leaving. Namibia not accept yellow card. |
ATMs take visa/maestro |
 | Mountain Biking in Tsaobis Leopard Game Park |
 | Sandboarding in Swakopmund |
 | Scenery at Dead Vlei/Sossusvlei |
Yes |
£150 |
Pretoria (need letter of invitation, 1 week) |
Not bought |
None |
0.18 |
160 Kw/£ |
Difficult to get visa in Southern African countries and very
expensive. We heard it is easier if coming down the way, or get before
leaving home. Not asked for Insurance but stopped a few times at police
checks (nice to tourists). |
Some ATMs take visa, easy to change T/Cheques and cash. |
 | Tundavala |
 | Friendly people |
Yes |
$110 (we got transit visa for $50 on border) |
Luanda (1 day) |
Not bought |
None |
900 Congo franc/£ |
We managed to get a transit visa on border, but was hard work
and had to wait a day for chief to arrive to issue it. Stopped at police
checks and documents/insurance requested (although they seem nice to
tourists). |
Didn't change any. |
 | Nice scenery, |
 | and being able to say you have driven through DRC! |
Yes |
$90 |
Luanda ( 1 day) |
Not bought |
None |
0.33 |
900 CFA/£ |
Very easy border crossing, lots of police blocks but no
hassles for tourists. |
Some ATMs take visa, easy to change T/Cheques and cash. |
 | Pointe Noire good to stock up on niceties. |
 | Logging track north. |
Yes |
$100 |
Luanda (2 days) |
Not bought (checked by police) |
None |
0.39 |
900 CFA/£ |
We found Gabon police/officials to be most corrupt so far.
Stopped at every road block to check paperwork and requests for beer/money
etc. Don't hand over original papers! |
Some ATMs take visa, easy to change T/Cheques and cash. |
 | Nice scenery on yellow route north of Libreville. |
Yes |
50000 CFA |
Libreville (1 day) |
Not bought (checked by police) |
None (toll roads) |
0.52 |
900 CFA/£ |
Lots of police blocks, need original paperwork (including
insurance) but police v. nice and no hassles. |
Some ATMs take visa, easy to change T/Cheques and cash. |
 | Good roads, great scenery. |
 | Mountain road |
 | Ring Road |
 | Waza NP |
Yes |
30000 CFA |
Libreville (on the spot) |
Not bought |
None |
0.61 |
900 CFA/£ |
Borders no problem (but asking for money), only stopped at one police block
where he tried to tell us it was illegal to not have any gas! (when we
wouldn't give him anything). On th whole not too bad. |
Could use visa, T/C & cash inside bank in N'djamena. |
 | Desert pistes around Lake Chad |
 | Bush camping in middle of nowhere |
 | First sights of lots of camels. |
Yes |
30000 CFA |
Yaounde (1 day) |
Not bought |
None (main road is toll road) |
0.51 |
900 CFA/£ |
No problems at borders or police checks, main road good, a few campsites but
easy to bush camp. |
Good rate for T/C in Niamey, black market readily available. |
 | More camels |
 | Road north to Mali border. |
Yes |
20000 CFA |
Niamey (issued straight away) |
Not bought |
None |
0.48 |
1000 Western CFA/£ |
Good roads, everyone very friendly. No problems from police (but they like
you to get your passport stamped in towns). Very touristy place. |
Plenty of places to change T/C and cash, didn't try visa. |
 | Walking in Dogon Country |
 | Timbuktu |
 | Sleeping in the Sahara under stars. |
No |
Not bought (checked by police) |
None |
0.51 |
1000 Western CFA/£ |
Police near big towns very keen - check all paperwork, inc. vaccination
certificates, and must have fire extinguisher and 2 warning triangles. Rosso
border full of touts, watch your back. |
ATMs take visa |
 | St Louis (only place we went to, but very nice). |
Yes |
12500 West CFA |
Niamey (issued straight away) but had to specify dates,
consul in Bamako much nicer and gives 15 days from date of entry |
Not bought (checked by police) |
None |
0.45 |
272 Ouguiya/$ |
Rosso border hard work with "guides" trying to help you, or take your money
(read Mauritania diary for details). One police told us we had to get local
insurance, but our total Africa insurance worked OK. All police blocks
friendly and no problems at Morocco border. |
Good rate for Euros on black market, not so good in Banks. Don't want
dollars. At border had to declare currency, but never checked again. |
 | Piste along coast |
 | Parc National du Banc l'Aguin. |
 | Sipping Mauritanian tea under canvas. |
No |
Can use green card but coming north is difficult to get. We
had to buy 10 days for £75 in Dhakla. (but never checked yet) |
None |
0.43 |
15.86 Dirham/£ |
Police checks no problem, no documents checked so far but photocopies of
passports are useful to save time. |
ATMs everywhere take Visa, Cirrus. Easy to change money. |
 | High Atlas Mountains |
 | Rif Mountains |
 | Sand Dunes around Merzouga |
 | Medinas of Fes/Marrakesh/Tanger |
 | ... |